Q & A
Before calling us or sending an email, you may want to check below to see if we’ve already addressed the questions you have in mind. If not, you can reach us on our contact page here.
Q.) Do we need to bring anything?
A.) Yes, please bring socks for everyone visiting, even adults. Grip socks are recommended.
Q.) Is outside food and drink allowed?
A.) Yes, but we like to keep it at a minimum. We allow snacks in the waiting area only. We have water, juice, and various snacks available for purchase.
Q.) Do you offer any drop off services?
A.) Yes, we offer Brave Care Drop Off services Tuesday – Friday, 10:00am – 6:00pm for a maximum of 4 hours and, Kids Night Out every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 6:00pm – 9:00pm for ages 3 – 10. Food is only provided during Kids Night Out. Please call 910-779-0623 or email info@braverykidsgym to register.
Q.) What is included in a membership?
A.) A membership includes unlimited Open Play, 10% off Birthday Parties, 10% off Brave Care Drop Off and free/member pricing for Special Events.
Q.) How much for Open Play?
A.) $12 for an All Day Open Play Pass. Children under 12 Months are free with an older sibling.
Q.) Can I reserve the whole facility for a private event?
A.) Yes, Birthday Parties and private events here are awesome! We offer booking Saturday – Sunday, 9:00am – 2:00pm and, Sunday – Saturday 6:00pm – 9:00pm for $175 an hour. 1.5 Hour at $225 and $50 for every additional 30 minutes. Please call us if you are interested in a 6pm-8pm birthday party.
Q.) Is BKG a clinic?
A.) No. We are a walk-in play facility. However, all activities and equipment at BKG are therapeutic in many different ways.
Q.) What are your Open Play hours?
A.) Monday- Closed, Tues-Fri 10-6, Sat-Sun 2-6
Q.) Is your center only for kids with special needs?
A.) No. BKG is a place for children of ALL abilities.
Q.) Does it get crowded?
A.) We try to maintain a comfortable number of families. Calling ahead is a great way to know how many people are in the center.
Q.) Can we bring kids to just play?
Yes. It is important to closely supervise your kids, respecting the other families use of the gym.
Q.) Does my child have to be walking?
A.) No. We try to accommodate all kids, and have many activities for kids who need assistance in play.
Q.) Can I bring multiple kids?
A.) Yes, we encourage it! Kids love to play together at Bravery. Yet all kids must be supervised at all times.
Q.) What adult/child ratio do we need to visit?
A.) We recommend 1, 2 or 3 kids to one adult, depending on the children. All kids must be supervised and be conscious of the enjoyment of other families.
Q.) Can we have play groups?
A.) Yes. BKG is a great alternative to outdoor playgrounds and larger play facilities. If planning a group over 10 kids, group discount will apply! Call for more info.
Q.) Can we have field trips?
A.) Yes, we offer field trips on Mondays. There is a $100 minimum for 20 children. Please call or email to schedule your field trip.
Q.) Can my respite care worker bring my child?
A.) Yes. However, there must be a liability wavier signed by the parent on file before visiting. All respite workers are required to closely supervise children at all times.
Q.) What are your ages?
A.) Crawling to 10 years old for open play. We hold a variety of events that may target specific age groups like “Brave Teen Night.”
Q.) Do you have to be a member to come?
A.) No, we have daily, monthly and annual pricing to help frequent users and occasional visitors alike.